
Cheaper and faster than Uniswap? Discover PancakeSwap, the leading DEX on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with the best farms in DeFi and a lottery for CAKE.


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How to Use

To start using PancakeSwap you will need an BSC (Binance Smart Chain) compatible wallet. There are a few options but we recommend MetaMask or Trust Wallet.

Once you have your wallet installed you will need to fill it with BNB so you can pay for gas fees and to trade it for the coin that you want to purchase. You can see many options for purchasing BNB here. Binance is a popular option. You can also buy BNB directly on Trust Wallet.

Next go to the Coinbuddy page for the coin you want to purchase. Once there click on the WBNB (or any of the other coins if you wish to pay with them) link as shown below. If you have Trust Wallet you can access PancakeSwap directly from the DApp browser.

You will now be able to trade WBNB for your desired coin. You can also toggle to a different coin if wish to pay with that instead. Tap arrow if you wish to to sell your coin for BNB (or another coin) instead.

That's it! You are done.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

CoinBuy withPriceVolume (24hr)Updated
WBNB$0.00000000$9.91Q2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$472T21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$14.7T21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$115B22 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$67.1B1 day ago
WBNB$0.00000000$60B2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$53.9B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000022$48.5B22 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$43.1B2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000002$19.8B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000002$8.33B1 day ago
WBNB$0.00000008$6.96B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00016552$3.49B7 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$2.77B2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$2.15B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000004$1.94B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$1.92B21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000014$1.3B1 day ago
WBNB$0.00000001$804M2 days ago
WBNB$0.00240121$614M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000127$473M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00117405$414M2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$383M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000002$202M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00161460$153M4 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$138M1 day ago
WBNB$0.00000233$119M21 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.00008220$84.2M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00008202$46.9M21 hours ago
BUSD$0.00008272$10.6M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000922$77.1M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000938$73.5M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00027659$55.1M21 hours ago
BUSD$0.00027829$40.3M21 hours ago
BUSD$0.00033737$45.6M21 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.00028765$43.1M1 hour ago
WBNB$0.00000025$31.1M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000012$26M2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000001$25.6M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000017$20.4M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00001889$15.7M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$15.3M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00051128$14.3M21 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.032684$13.5M18 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000000$12.9M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00016200$12.8M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00086177$10.5M3 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.00000931$9.52M22 hours ago
WBNB$0.00012430$8.12M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00105229$7.08M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000077$3.75M1 day ago
BUSD$0.00010182$3.26M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00074538$3.1M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.999453$2.27M57 minutes ago
BUSD$1.01$124K1 hour ago
WBNB$0.00000001$2.06M21 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.00023286$1.98M4 hours ago
WBNB$0.016379$1.95M1 hour ago
BSC-USD$0.018202$1.65M57 minutes ago
FAST$0.00087843$1.58M21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00004978$1.2M22 hours ago
WBNB$0.00008662$782K21 hours ago
BUSD$0.00008731$417K21 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.035307$567K57 minutes ago
WBNB$1.98$545K57 minutes ago
BSC-USD$1.98$454K57 minutes ago
WBNB$0.00065192$502K2 days ago
USDC$0.045740$442K22 hours ago
BSC-USD$0.058945$396K2 hours ago
WBNB$0.00001080$346K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.224671$336K1 hour ago
WBNB$0.00166681$307K21 hours ago
USDC$3.84$294K57 minutes ago
WBNB$0.00000000$293K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00112441$288K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.097642$276K57 minutes ago
BSC-USD$0.00019341$260K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.230970$251K17 hours ago
BSC-USD$3,250.92$249K57 minutes ago
WBNB$3,273.83$153K57 minutes ago
WBNB$1.28$233K1 hour ago
WBNB$0.00000001$232K2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$217K22 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000009$210K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000003$208K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.014396$203K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00284756$196K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000053$192K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.00000005$190K21 hours ago
BUSD$582.15$182K2 hours ago
BSC-USD$22.00$181K57 minutes ago
BSC-USD$2.56$180K57 minutes ago
BSC-USD$0.00875557$177K22 hours ago
WBNB$1.79$174K57 minutes ago
WBNB$0.238021$172K57 minutes ago
BSC-USD$0.00023361$171K1 day ago
WBNB$0.00006105$141K2 days ago
WBNB$0.00000000$139K21 hours ago
WBNB$0.111863$137K57 minutes ago
BUSD$0.00423768$128K21 hours ago


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