
Coinbuddy is a free product with no registration required and is focused on helping users easily navigate the cryptocurrency space.

After last year's crypto boom, I made it my personal side mission to help my friends and family invest in crypto without getting scammed by potentially shady services. I also wanted to make it completely free, so you won't see an advertisement anywhere on the site or app. There's a single referral link to Coinbase, but you also get $10 if you sign up through it.

I compiled data on the best exchanges to buy any coin based on most volume, lowest trading fees, and lowest withdrawal fees. For any coin, you can see the best wallets to keep your crypto safe and accessible. It also has easy-to-use iOS and Android apps to track your crypto stash and keep up-to-date on the crypto markets.

I really hope you find value in using Coinbuddy because I spent every single one of my weekends from early January up until now making it. Please do let me know what else you’d like to see by emailing me at: team@coinbuddy.co.

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