SolarCoin (SLR)

*Links provided to resources, information for services and sites related to SolarCoin do not constitute an endorsement of these sites. The SolarCoin Foundation encourages all community members to personally confirm the validity and legality of all services, vendors and information seen on this and any site relating to or mentioning SolarCoin. If any information presented on this site is believed to be in error, please contact the community using this form. The SolarCoin Foundation encourages all volunteers and users to comply with all national, state or local laws and regulations related to currency, energy, taxes and property in their respective countries and jurisdiction of operation. SolarCoin is only intended for legal purposes and should not be used in any other way. However, some jurisdictions may impose limitations on the use of cryptocurrencies and/or privacy protection tools, so users in those jurisdictions should consider this before using SolarCoin. The content of this website, or others associated with SolarCoin, does not constitute legal advice. If in doubt, please contact a local attorney to avoid doing anything that could be considered illegal in your jurisdiction.

0.00000007 BTC

1h Price Change7d Price ChangeMarket Cap24hr VolumeAvailable SupplyTotal Supply
-0.11%3.77%$283KRank 2160$0.0064.8M98B

SolarCoin (SLR) Exchanges

Buy & sell SolarCoin (SLR) with fiat currencies (USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, GBP etc) or another coin such as BTC or ETH. Harder to use for beginners but has cheaper fees.

ExchangeBuy/Sell withPriceVolume (24hr)Maker FeeTaker FeeUpdated
USDC$0.014182$91.301 day ago

SolarCoin (SLR) Wallets

You can store coins on exchanges after purchase but we recommend using a dedicated wallet for security and long term storage. Hardware wallets offer the most security but cost money. They are the best choice for those storing a lot of value or planning to hold long term.

NameTypePriceSupported Coins
Security-First Multi-Asset SegWit-Enabled Wallet for Bitcoin, Altcoins and Tokens.


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