ECC is an open-source, innovative multi-chain platform. Our network operates with a financial core which allows it to function not only as a currency-transferring platform, but will also serve as a solid infrastructure for future commercial technologies. All of our multi-chain services are implemented with extra focus on user-friendliness, as well as offering unlimited commercial potential; all the while, maintaining a safe and decentralized platform. Our developers are currently engineering the multi-chain core with our flagship services such as: file transfer and storage; decentralized messaging and currency transfer; right on top of the blockchain. Our services implement ANS (Address Name Service); which means that users can send and receive coins and data simply by using nicknames rather than the long, cumbersome wallet addresses we are used to seeing. For ECC, this is only the beginning. When development of the multi-chain foundation is completed with our easily-navigable interface and open-source platform, future developers can create new services right on top of our network! Exciting, isn’t it? We think so too. At ECC, we strive to develop ground-breaking innovations; all with absolute privacy and security through our blockchain services.

0.00000001 BTC

1h Price Change7d Price ChangeMarket Cap24hr VolumeAvailable SupplyTotal SupplyMax Supply
0.00%0.00%$0.00Rank 8338$0.00025B25B

ECC (ECC) Exchanges

Buy & sell ECC (ECC) with fiat currencies (USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, GBP etc) or another coin such as BTC or ETH. Harder to use for beginners but has cheaper fees.

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26 minutes ago

ECC (ECC) Wallets

You can store coins on exchanges after purchase but we recommend using a dedicated wallet for security and long term storage. Hardware wallets offer the most security but cost money. They are the best choice for those storing a lot of value or planning to hold long term.

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We do not have wallets listed for this coin yet. Try visiting the project's website for more details.

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